Positive Behavior Videos
The Positive Behavior Videos were created for the purpose of increasing access to knowledge about the functional behavioral assessment and behavior intervention plan process. This is an evidence-based process, but is highly technical and generally requires considerable university training and field-based experience to master.
As a result, there is great disparity in who receives access to positive behavior supports and who does not. Part of the mission of the CLD is to reduce the disparity in access to positive behavior supports - that's why all these resources are FREE!!. The Positive Behavior Videos and the Brief Behavior Questionnaire and Intervention Plan (BBQuIP) were developed to support this mission.
We hope you find these resources useful. Please contact us with any questions you may have.
The Brief Behavior Questionnaire & Intervention Plan (BBQuIP) is a positive behavior support planning tool developed by Dr. Daniel Crimmins. The BBQuIP allows parents, teachers, and birth-to-five educators to identify the child’s behavior of concerns, the behavior triggers, and the ways in which the adults responses to the child may be contributing to the behavior. The BBQuIP is available in paper and online format. CLD faculty and staff provide training on the BBQuIP on request.
Individuals & Families
Association for Positive Behavior Support
Brief Description of PBS Related to Families
Self-Regulation Techniques
by Deanna Iris Sava
Pacer Center
Functional Behavioral Assessment and Positive Interventions: What Parents Need to Know
FAPE: Helping Parents and Advocates Improve Educational Results for Children with Disabilities
An IEP Team’s Introduction to Functional Behavioral Assessment and Behavior Intervention Plans (2nd Edition)
Resources for Schools and Providers
OSEP Technical Assistance Center on Effective Schoolwide Interventions
Positive Behavioral Interventions & Supports
Understanding Behavior: An Interactive Tutorial
National Association of School Psychologists Fact Sheet
What is Positive Behavioral Support?
Georgia Department of Education
Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports
Training Videos- Support Approaches
DDD101: Training for Providers
Schools & Providers
OSEP Technical Assistance Center on Effective Schoolwide Interventions
Positive Behavioral Interventions & Supports
Understanding Behavior: An Interactive Tutorial
National Association of School Psychologists Fact Sheet
What is Positive Behavioral Support?
Georgia Department of Education
Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports
Training Videos- Support Approaches
DDD101: Training for Providers
Legal Resources
Wright’s Law
Functional Behavioral Assessments: What, Why, When, Where, and Who? by Stephen Starin
Reauthorization of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Improvement Act 2004 (IDEA 2004)
IDEA 2004: Final Regulations and the Reauthorized Functional Behavioral Assessment
OSEP Technical Assistance Center on Effective Schoolwide Interventions
Positive Behavioral Supports and the Law
Glossary of Terms
What is taking place in the child’s environment immediately before the behavior occurs. What precedes the behavior.
Behavior Intervention Plan
A plan that includes positive strategies, program modifications, and supplementary aids designed to target a student's disruptive behaviors so that they do not reoccur. http://www.education.com/definition/behavior-intervention-plan-bip/
Functional Behavioral Assessment (FBA)
A process for gathering information to understand the function (purpose) of behavior in order to develop an effective intervention plan.
Function of a Behavior
The purpose of the behavior. What the individual is trying to communicate through their behavior.
Positive Behavior Support (PBS)
Positive Behavior Support is an approach that schools and families can use to help a child experience success in school and at home. This approach believes that a full understanding of the child is needed for long-term behavior change. This includes determining the ways that the different settings affect behavior and understanding why the child engages in behavior that is both problematic and adaptive.
The addition of some stimulus condition following a behavior that results in the increase of the behavior over time.
Replacement Behavior
An appropriate behavior that serves the same function, or purpose as the problem behavior.
Video Development
Behavior Doctor
2011 Presentations
Early Intervention Support.com
Parenting Tips and Info: Self-Regulation
Education.com Glossary
Behavior Intervention Plan
How to improve communication skills at home: The top 10 Home Speech Home
IDEA 2004: Final Regulations and the Reauthorized Functional Behavioral Assessment.
Lehigh University College of Education
Center for Promoting Research to Practice
Lucyshyn, J. M., Dunlap, G., & Albin, R. W. (2002). Families & positive behavior support: Addressing problem behavior in family contexts. Baltimore, Maryland: Brookes Publishing.
OSEP Technical Assistance Center on Effective Schoolwide Interventions: Positive Behaivoral Interventions & Supports
Raising Children Network: The Australian Parenting Website Family Routines