The Developmental Disabilities Act (DD Act) created new pathways to providing successful programs and supports for people with disabilities. The DD Act established three programs with a shared goal and complementary functions. The combined efforts of the University Centers on Excellence in Developmental Disabilities (UCEDDs), the Protection and Advocacy Agencies (P&As), and the Developmental Disabilities Councils (DD Councils) was intended to serve as a network creating positive change in the lives its citizens with disabilities.
The Developmental Disability Network of Georgia includes four organizations. They are :
DD Council – Georgia Council on Developmental Disabilities (GCDD)
P&A– Georgia Advocacy Organization (GAO)
UCEDDS– The Center for Leadership and Disability at Georgia State University (CLD) and the Institute on Human Development and Disability at the University of Georgia (IHDD)
Georgia Council on Developmental Disabilities
The mission of the Georgia Council on Developmental Disabilities is to collaborate with Georgia citizens, public and private advocacy organizations, and policy makers to positively influence public policies that enhance the quality of life for people with developmental disabilities and their families. The Council provides collaboration through information and advocacy activities, program implementation and funding, and public policy analysis and research
Georgia Advocacy Office
The Georgia Advocacy Office (GAO) is a private non-profit corporation. Its mission is to work with and for oppressed and vulnerable individuals in Georgia who are labeled as disabled or mentally ill to secure their protection and advocacy. GAO’s work is mandated by Congress, and GAO has been designated by Georgia as the agency to implement Protection and Advocacy within the state.
Institute on Human Development and Disability (IHDD) at University of Georgia
The Institute on Human Development and Disability (IHDD) works with others to create opportunities that will improve the quality of life for people with disabilities and their families. IHDD advances the understanding of the ability of all people through education, research and public service.
Contact Us
Center for Leadership in Disability
Urban Life Building
140 Decatur Street SE
Suite 140
Atlanta, GA 30303