(DD Act) is the fundamental law supporting and enhancing the lives of people with developmental disabilities and their families
What Does The Council Do?
The Community Advisory Council (CAC)
- Consults with the CLD Director regarding the development of the Center’s five-year plan
- Reviews and comments annually on the Center’s progress in meeting the projected goals contained in the five-year plan
- Makes recommendations to the CLD Director regarding any proposed revisions of the five-year plan
- Meets as necessary to carry out the role of the Council; but at least three times a year
- Conducts an annual review of the CLD Director
- Advocates for, and on behalf of, the Center and its work
- Supports and contributes to development activities of the Center
- Advises and informs the CLD Director regarding other relevant organizations, programs, networks or activities that may provide opportunities for Center collaboration.
Community Advisory Council Participants
CLD Community Advisory Council Members
Executive Committee
Marian Jackson, Chair
Claire Dees, Vice-Chair
CAC Members
Amy Ambrose Doug Beighley Kate Brady Becky Brightwell Renita Bundrage James Butler Rose Calloway Lori Campbell Claire Dees Megan Douglas Tera Fisher |
Kim Gibson Robbie Huff Nandi Isaac Marian Jackson Eric Jacobson Elizabeth Labbe-Webb Wina Low Paige McKay Kubik Ken Mitchell Ruby Moore |
Janice Nodvin Ben Oxley Yvette Pegues Liz Persaud Renee Pruitt Zelphine Smith Dixon Zolinda Stoneman Sheetul Wall Kimberly Walson Marshalyn Yeargin-Allsopp |
Organization & Agency Representatives
CDC - Marshalyn Yeargin-Allsopp
DBHDD - Lori Campbell
DECAL - Brandy Lochetta
disABILITY LINK - Kim Gibson
Frazer Center - Paige McKay Kubik
Georgia DOE - Wina Low
Georgia DOE - Zelphine Smith Dixon
GVRA - Crystal Perry
Morehouse School of Medicine - Megan Douglas
Parent to Parent of Georgia - Rose Calloway
People First of Georgia - Bernard Baker
SPECTRUM Autism Support Group - Claire Dees
Tools for Life/AMAC - Danny Housley
Tools for Life/AMAC - Liz Persaud
Contact Us
Center for Leadership in Disability
Urban Life Building
140 Decatur Street SE
Suite 140
Atlanta, GA 30303