Adult Services & Supports
Adult Services & Supports promote independence, productivity, citizenship, and inclusion into the community for adults with autism over the age of 21.
Quality Indicators / Problems / Data Drivers
QI 9.1: Adults with autism in Georgia are able to support themselves and achieve conventional markers of adulthood.
Problem: Adults with autism face many challenges in achieving the conventional markers of adulthood – becoming employed and self-supporting, living independently, developing a network of friends, and contributing to the community.32 Adults with autism confront persistent high levels of unemployment or underemployment. While often having well-developed skills for a range of jobs, they may require support in negotiating social and interpersonal skills in maintaining employment.
Data Driver: Great advances have been made in customizing employment, that is matching worker skills with workplace demands in a manner that highlights the worker’s strengths and minimizes those aspects of employment that are difficult for the individual to manage.
QI 9.2: Residential supports and housing are accessible and available to adults with autism.
Problem: Finding and securing housing and residential supports for adults with ASDs can be challenging for adults with autism and their families.
Data Driver: While services that support community living have expanded, there are significant
gaps in residential supports for housing for people with intellectual and developmental disabilities. 33
QI 9.3: Adults with complex needs receive appropriate services, provided by competent providers, with the frequency, duration, and fidelity needed to be effective.
Problem: There are too few providers of specialized in-home or out-of-home residential support, community support, job supports, or day programs. Where services do exist, providers often lack training in addressing the unique challenges often faced by adults with autism.
Data Driver: Without continued assistance into adulthood, individuals with autism are more likely to regress and lose some of their verbal and social gains.34
Last Updated 03/07/14
Contact Us
Center for Leadership in Disability
Urban Life Building
140 Decatur Street SE
Suite 140
Atlanta, GA 30303